Why Use Ozone?

Key Ozone Benefits
- Reduce traditional chemical (chlorine/bromine) use by 60%-90%
- Reduce handling and storage of unsafe chemicals
- Eliminate constant repurchase of chemicals
- Eliminate red, irritated eyes
- Eliminate dry, itchy skin
- Eliminate costly replacement of faded swim wear
- Eliminate foul chlorine/chloramine odors
- Eliminate foaming/”bathtub ring”
- Eliminate environmental worries
Ozone Testimonials
Mike replaced an old discharge type Ozone generator that had gone bad with a new light type generator and there is a world of difference. I use almost no chemicals now. Great service and he can be trusted to sell you only what you need.
Mike installed a new and bigger and better Spa Pack, Ozone, ground and also a new cover. Now My works better then it did when it was new.